Digital MarketingSEO

How to Add Google Search Console to Your WordPress Website


Google Search Console center is an important device for site proprietors and executives. It permits you to screen your site’s presentation in Google list items, recognize and fix issues, and gain experiences into how clients find your site. On the off chance that you have a WordPress site, incorporating Console center can be a clear interaction. In this article, we’ll direct you through the moves toward adding a Search Console center to your WordPress site.

Step 1: Pursue Google Search Console center

On the off chance that you haven’t as of now, you’ll have to make a Search Console center record. Visit the Search Control Console site ( and sign in with your Google account. On the off chance that you don’t have a Google account, you can make one without any problem.

Step 2: Add Your Site Property

In the wake of marking in, you’ll be provoked to add a property. Click the “Add Property” button and enter your site’s URL (e.g., Ensure you enter the full and precise URL, including the “https://” or “http://” prefix. Click “Proceed.”

Step 3: Check Possession

Google necessities to check that you own the site you’re attempting to add. There are a few check strategies accessible, however one of the simplest is the “HTML tag” technique:

  1. Select the “HTML tag” choice.
  2. You’ll see a meta tag created by Google. Duplicate this meta tag to your clipboard.

Step 4: Add the Google Search Control Console Meta Tag to Your WordPress Site

Presently, you’ll have to add the meta tag to your WordPress site. This is how it’s done:

  1. Sign in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Explore “Appearance” and select “Subject Manager.”
  3. In the topic manager, find and snap on the “header.php” document on the right-hand side.

This record contains the HTML code for the <head> segment of your site.

  1. Glue the Search Control Console meta label that you replicated from Stage 3 just before the </head> shutting tag.

5. Click the “Update Document” button to save your changes.

Step 5: Confirm Proprietorship in Google Search Control Console

Subsequent to adding the meta tag to your site, return to the Console center confirmation page and snap the “Check” button. Google will check if the meta tag is accurately added to your site. In the event that it is fruitful, you’ll get a check affirmation message.

Step 6: Set Up Your Favored Area (Discretionary)

In Google Search Console center, you can determine your favored area (www or non-www) under the “Settings” segment. This step is discretionary yet can assist with guaranteeing Google records your site reliably with your picked area structure.

Step 7: Present a Sitemap

Now that you’ve added and confirmed your site, it’s a decent practice to present a sitemap to the research Search Console center. A sitemap is a record that rundowns every one of the pages on your site, assisting web crawlers with figuring out its construction. To make and present a sitemap in WordPress, you can utilize a module like “Yoast Website design enhancement” or “Across the board Search engine optimization Pack,” which can create and submit sitemaps naturally.


Coordinating Google Search Console center with your WordPress site is a vital stage in upgrading your site’s web crawler execution. It gives significant experiences and devices to assist you with working on your site’s perceivability in Google list items and resolve any issues that might influence its positioning. By following the means illustrated in this article, you’ll be well headed to saddling the force of Google Quest Control center for your WordPress site’s advantage.


1. What is Google Search Console, and why do I need it?

Google Search Console is a free web service provided that allows website owners to monitor and optimize their site’s performance in Google’s results. It provides valuable insights into how your site appears in search results, identifies indexing issues, and offers recommendations for improving your site’s visibility.

2. Is Google Search Console only for WordPress websites?

No, Google Search Console can be used with any website, regardless of the content management system (CMS) you use. The process of adding it to your site may vary slightly depending on your CMS, but the core functionalities are the same.

3. Are there any alternative methods for verifying ownership besides the HTML tag?

Yes, Google Search Console offers multiple verification methods, including HTML file upload, DNS record, Google Analytics tracking code, and more. Choose the method that best suits your technical skills and website setup.

4. How often should I check Google Search Console?

Regularly monitoring Google Search Console is essential for maintaining and improving your website’s performance. It’s recommended to check it at least once a month to identify and address any issues promptly.

5. What other tools can I use for SEO in WordPress?

While Google Search Console is a valuable tool for SEO, you can also use plugins like Yoast SEO or All in One SEO Pack to optimize your WordPress website. These plugins offer features such as on-page SEO analysis, XML sitemaps, and more.

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